"A Monetary Policy for the Free Society”
Suggested readings: On-Line Resources
The Ethical Implications of Monetary Manipulation:
Juan de Mariana: A Treatise on Money (Acton Institute)
Andrew Dickinson White: Fiat Money Inflation in France (Liberty Fund)
Should Money Exist outside the State?
Murray Rothbard: What has Government done to our Money (Mises Institute)
Ludwig von Mises: The Theory of Money and Credit (Mises Institute)
Henry Hazlitt: What You Should Know About Inflation (Mises Institute)
Monetary Policy and Rule of Law in the United States:
William Graham Sumner: A History of American Currency (Liberty Fund)
Vera C. Smith: The Rationale of Central Banking (Liberty Fund)
Shorts Videos on Sound Money:
Walt Disney's take on You Tube (Duck Tales)
Ron Paul on Inflation and the Constitution (CNN and Kiran Chetry)
For more go to The Sound Money Project
Want to suggest a book, article or video?: Please mail suggestions to soundmoneyproject@atlasnetwork.org