Think Tank Measurements
How to measure outcomes:
"Think Tanks and NGOs produce different products and services, I usually mention four: research, education, advocacy, and “doing.” I use “doing” as the category of products and services that come from “Do Tanks.” This is more common in non-ideological non-profits: providing small-loans, installing water purification systems, and other similar endeavors. But several programs of think tanks, such as defending victims of unjust government regulations, or helping edit/draft a law or major document, also qualifies as doing. Measuring outcomes is easier in this area." For more . . .check my Forbes piece
New: How Antony Fisher evaluated think tanks that wanted support from Atlas
The Leading Canadian Think Tanks
"The “2012 Global Go To Report” devotes a section of its think tank rankings to institutes in Canada and Mexico. A growing number of Canadian free-market think tanks are appearing among the top.
Fraser Institute takes the lead. It received more mentions (10) than any other Canadian think tank and ranked first in Canada and 25th in the world. It is well known for its motto: “If It Matters, Measure It.” Many of its products, like the “Tax Freedom Day” and its economic freedom indices, have been replicated across the globe. Think tanks all over the world look at Fraser’s research as a guide in developing their own programs."
For more . . .check my Forbes column
Thinking About Think Tanks: Which Ones Are The Best?
Some think tanks are obviously more effective than others. Evaluating, measuring, or estimating their outcomes, and ranking them, has not been easy for their donors, one of their main clients. In 1985 I joined a foundation devoted to help start and support market-oriented think tanks. Since then I have been tracking and trying to evaluate market-oriented think tanks. For more . . .check my Forbes piece
Leading Latin American Think Tanks
Leading in world rankings: Centro de Estudios Públicos (CEP) andInstituto Libertad y Desarrollo (LyD) both from Santiago, Chile. It is no coincidence that the top two think tanks are based in the country which also has the best corporate culture and the freest economy in the region. CEP was founded in 1980 by a poet, philosopher, and writer, Arturo Fontaine Talavera. In a land that appreciates good writing and boasts two Nobel Laureates in Literature, Gabriela Mistral and Pablo Neruda, Fontaine novels have been number one on the best-seller lists. Fontaine started his free-market life as a translator. CEP today is renowned by its public surveys and its academic journal “Estudios Públicos.” Its former VP for Research, Harald Beyer, was until recently Minister of Education. He will become the head of CEP in 2014. For more . . .my Forbes piece