Vatican economics

“If by ‘capitalism’ is meant an economic system which recognizes the fundamental and positive role of business, the market, private property and the resulting responsibility for the means of production, as well as free human creativity in the economic sector, then the answer is certainly in the affirmative, even though it would perhaps be more appropriate to speak of a ‘business economy,’ ‘market economy’ or simply ‘free economy.’” Saint John Paul II

Pope Francis an Fratelli Tutti

Pope Francis’s new encyclical Fratelli tutti touches on many issues relevant to national and international economic policy. These will generate considerable debate and, given the influence of the Roman Catholic Church, deserve consideration.

Pope Francis on the Environment: sound theology politicized science?

Liberation Theology: beyond Marxism Chafuen from

If the economists do not know economics, how can you blame the Pope? Chafuen from

Is Pope Francis ignoring a Jesuit view of Social Justice? Chafuen from

Es el Papa Francisco un Socialista? (In Spanish in PanamPost)

Aquí defino al Sumo Pontífice en términos económicos como un "nacionalista, optimista del intervencionismo económico." Otros lo acusan de globalista

Al Papa Francisco No Le Gustan Los Fundamentalistas Libertarios

"En cuanto a la política y la economía, las áreas en las que tengo algo más de conocimiento, conviene aclarar que no existen sistemas económicos perfectos. Resulta fácil encontrar “fundamentalismos ahistóricos” en muchas culturas. Esconder información comprometedora de los héroes nacionales, la selección de los hechos históricos que convienen para así justificar nuestra propia ideología resulta una práctica común. El Papa afirma que “la realidad es más importante que la idea”, y tiene razón, no obstante las ideas son esenciales para comprender la realidad."

"The Pope has good advisers on issues of bio-technology, he has a prudent approach to GMOs"

Zenit interviews Chafuen on the Pope and economics

Pope Benedict and Freedom

From the article: "Cardinal Ratzinger focused on teaching the importance of convictions, rather than force. On November 6, 1992, at the ceremony where Ratzinger was inducted into the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences of the Institute of France, he explained that a free society can only subsist where people share basic moral convictions and high moral standards. He further argued that these convictions need not be "imposed or even arbitrarily defined by external coercion."

Ratzinger found part of the answer in the work of Tocqueville. "Democracy in America has always made a strong impression on me," the cardinal said. He added that to make possible, "an order of liberties in freedom lived in community, the great political thinker [Tocqueville] saw as an essential condition the fact that a basic moral conviction was alive in America, one which, nourished by Protestant Christianity, supplied the foundations for institutions and democratic mechanisms."