Intellectual Entrepreneurs: Learning from other think-tanks
Early in the history of Atlas, Antony Fisher accompanied those interested in starting institutes, in their visits to successful centers. In 1982 Jesús Eduardo Rodríguez, later a co-founder of CEDICE Libertad (Venezuela), visited the Fraser Institute (Vancouver) and witnessed their annual board meeting. Rolando Espinosa, who was leaving his position as Dean of the Business School of the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico) in order to start a think tank, also traveled with Fisher to Fraser "to collect ideas and inspiration." Espinosa went on his own to London to visit the Institute of Economic Affairs, U.K. (IEA.)
Fisher also recommended Jesús Eduardo Rodríguez to visit the Manhattan Institute. Antony Fisher went to México and Venezuela during those early days of Atlas. The Fraser Institute and the IEA (U.K.) served as models to many think tanks around the globe.