2014 Walter Judd Freedom Award
The Fund for American Studies (TFAS) awarded Dr. Alejandro Chafuen the 2014 Walter Judd Freedom Award for advancing the cause of freedom through his tireless leadership in founding and nurturing think tanks around the world. Read More of the official announcement
"At Atlas Network, our mission is to strengthen the worldwide freedom movement by identifying, training and supporting individuals with the potential to found and develop effective independent organizations that promote our vision in every country. Few have taken on this mission as passionately as Atlas Network president, Dr. Alex Chafuen, who joined Atlas Network in 1985."
“We are so proud of our friend Dr. Alejandro ‘Alex’ Chafuen. He’s been advancing the cause of freedom since he was a young man. In fact, it’s been his life’s passion since he came to Grove City College in the late ’70s and early ’80s to study under renowned economics professor Dr. Hans Sennholz. Government control of the monetary system and its inflationary policies were ravaging his beloved Argentina. Alex has been advancing the cause of freedom and moral markets ever since,” Lee Wishing ’85, administrative director of The Center for Vision & Values, said. “Indeed, the world is a better place and more free thanks to the work of Alejandro Chafuen.” The full Grove City College announcement
Thank you for your generous congratulations!:
"Dear Alex,
With the Walter Judd Freedom Award, you are among very distinguished company -- and you fully deserve to right up there with RR, WFB, and Jeanne. Your work is an inspiration to so many people and the more who know about it because of this award, the more who will be inspired.
Warm regards,
Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg
I hope you are doing well and enjoying a wonderful spring. I wanted to send you a quick note of congratulations about your selection as the 2014 Walter Judd Freedom Award recipient. I can’t think of anyone who deserves such an honor more than you."
Arthur C. Brooks, President of AEI
"Dear Alex: As one recipient of the 2014 Walter Judd Freedom Award to another allow me to welcome you to the club! Ours is a small group but, with your addition, it has just become more distinguished. This year’s award is a well-deserved recognition of your decades of tireless efforts on behalf of global freedom and economic opportunity. I am honored to be in your company and look forward to being present at the award ceremony.
With best personal regards,
Otto J. Reich,
Ambassador of the United States of America, Ret."
"Dear Alex,
Well old friend, what a wonderful recognition of the years you have spent through the Atlas Foundation to spread the good news about economic freedom around the world. I know that you are this very moment in Venezuela helping to support CEDICE, the only consistent voice for freedom in the barrens of that woe-infested country, and courageously upholding the freedom banner in the face of tyranny. I look forward to raising a glass to your award when you come to Vancouver next month.
Do not, however, expect any particular recognition on the tennis court!
Well done Alex, we look forward to seeing you.
Best regards,"
Mike Walker, Fraser Institute, Canada
"Alex--Just saw the announcement about you winning the Walter Judd award from the Fund for American Studies. Heartiest congratulations for this award, which I'm sure is well-deserved for all the work you've done in the cause of freedom. Your friends and admirers are very proud of what you've accomplished, and GCC couldn't be more honored than to count you amongst its alums! Hope to see you in May..."
Phil Gasiewicz, Trustee, Grove City College
"Dear Dr Chafuen,
May I add my warmest congrats for your most recent well deserved award. The world is a better place with your contributions.
All best, Gina"
Gina Rinehart Australia
"We are very happy to see from Niels that you are the 2014 Honoree of the Walter Judd Freedom Award. This is wonderful news. And we absolutely agree with their choice! You have worked with all your mind and heart (as well as your wonderful spirit) for the cause and causes of Freedom. This is super."
Eleanor Nichols, Trustee, Fraser Institute, Canada
What a magnificent honor, congratulations. And totally deserved -- wonderful! You are joining a very exclusive group of freedom champions.
Really wonderful, Alex. I am happy for you and very pleased, too, at how well this reflects on the Atlas Network.
Warm regards,"
Dr. Judy Shelton
"Dear Alex
You have been one of my heroes for years—your Atlas accomplishments are extraordinary--and so it was very easy to support you for the Judd Award. I believe you would have been a fighter for freedom wherever you were—thank heavens you ended up here in the USA. Your personification of a belief in free enterprise and God is inspiring. I look forward to saluting you at the Judd Award event.
Warmest regards,
Dr. Lee Edwards, Heritage Foundation
"Dear Dr. Chafuen,
As a partner of the Atlas Network, we at Samriddhi are very delighted to know that you have been awarded the prestigious 2014 Walter Judd Freedom Award. Please accept hearty congratulations from my team and me on this wonderful recognition which in the past have been presented to great champions of liberty such as President Ronald Reagan, William F. Buckley, Jr. and Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick.
Receiving the Dorian & Antony Fisher Venture Grant in 2009 from the Atlas network was a great encouragement for us in our initial days and the continued support and guidance from the network has been instrumental to the success our think tank has seen in the short period of existence. Samriddhi is one of the many examples of the great work Atlas has been doing around the world to advance liberty. Your leadership in the Atlas Network has served as a great example to me personally and also my institute and I continue to learn from your valuable insights by following your column in Forbes.
Congratulations once again!
Best wishes,
Robin Sitoula, Nepal
"Congratulations on your well deserved awards. You are an excellent choice and should be very proud of all you have achieved so far. My guess is the best is yet to come."
Carl O. Helstrom, Chairman, SPN
"Alex - I'm so pleased to hear that FAS has recognized your important work by awarding you the Walter Judd Freedom Award. It is richly deserved!
Congratulations and best wishes,"
Andrea Rich
"The award couldn't have gone to a more deserving Freedom advocate! Thank you for your great work Alejandro. Atlas Economic Research Foundation was among the first western NGOs that reached out to dissidents in the Middle East. In 2006 they organized a historic conference in Cairo that allowed secular figures and heroes to assemble from Arabic speaking countries.
Thank you again Alex, and congratulations!!!"
Cynthia Farahat, Cairo, Egypt, but now in the semi-free world
"Querido y admirado Alex, te felicito de corazón por tan merecido reconocimiento. Un gran abrazo fraternal,"
Marcos Aguinis, Argentina
"Merecido premio para Alex, luchador empedernido, incansable y gran motivador por la causa de la LIBERTAD"
Agustin Etchebarne, Argentina
"Felicitaciones a Alejandro Antonio Chafuen por tan merecido premio, no sólo apoyando la libertad sino también otras valiosas ideas. Para destacar su incondicional apoyo a tantos jóvenes de tantas partes del mundo que tratamos de impulsar los más variados proyectos. Los jóvenes nada podríamos hacer si no fuera por el consejo, apoyo y ayuda de tipos como Alex."
Ignacio Ibarzábal, Argentina