Fighting for Venezuelan Freedoms
The case of Venezuelan political leader Leopoldo López, in jail without a sentence since February 18, 2014, seems so clear, that the inability to secure his release, is a testimony of the sad state of democracy in several countries in the Americas. The neglect and the silent complicity of many is troublesome. It is time to make a big push for the release of Leopoldo López and other political prisoners in Venezuela.
“Socialism or Death” proclaimed the late Hugo Chávez. With the highest murder rate of any country, a more appropriate slogan should be “Socialism is Death.” If these street protests by Venezuelan civil society and the violent response by government forces the administration of President Maduro ends unscathed, there will be more young innocent victims and the U.S. might soon have to live with an increasingly hostile country much closer to its borders than troubled Ukraine. For More . . .
Oliver Stone Laughs Over the Ashes of Venezuela: On March 5, 2014, several government-owned TV channels across Latin America showed the premiere of “Hugo mi Amigo” (Hugo my friend): A documentary film by Oliver Stone, produced in honor of the late totalitarian Venezuelan ruler Hugo Chávez. For More . . .
Fighting Socialism In Venezuela: The Work Of A Heroic Think Tank
In 2003, Atlas and Hudson Institute hosted "The Future of Venezuela" a program to warn that Venezuela was falling into the grip of socialist totalitarians, C-Span covered the event click on this link to watch
The work of free-market think tanks in the United States share many things in common with the work of other non-profits. One major concern is to obtain sufficient resources to be successful in achieving results. In some countries, however, those who work and help think tanks have another set of concerns. They need to worry about their personal safety, their freedoms, and even the possible loss of all their assets and be forced to leave their countries. That is the plight of CEDICE Libertad and those who work for freedom-oriented non-profits in Venezuela. For More . . .