John Templeton Foundation

Sir John looking at family pictures

Freedom and Free Enterprise: Sir John Templeton writings

Free Society champions mentioned in the statutes of the Templeton Foundation (click on authors name) :

Adam Smith

Milton Friedman

Antony Fisher

Ludwig Von Mises


William Simon

Ed Feulner Jr.

A picture from the 2010 meeting:

From the Charter and Bylaws:

Freedom and Free Enterprise (IV.B.1).: “Supporting education (including education

through research and dissemination of the results there from) about free competition,

entrepreneurship and the enhancement of individual freedom and free markets (especially

as described in the writings of Adam Smith, Friedrich von Hayek, Sir Anthony [sic] Fisher,

William Simon, Ludwig von Mises, Milton Friedman and Edwin J. Fuelner [sic], Jr.).”

Highlights of board members, board of advisors, and JTF members, working for Freedom and Free Enterprise:

Gucharan Das (video), Board of advisors