Alex with Latin Americans in 2023, Brazil

Alex with Congressman Ricardo Salles, former Minister of the Environment in Brazil, Alex has worked with Salles for over two decades

Accompanying Fr Sirico at a meeting with the board of Mackenzie Presbyterian University, founded in 1870 and home of the Center for Economic Liberty

Introducing Fr. Sirico to the archives of the Plinio Correa de Oliveira Institute

With Congressman Marcel Van Hattem, Alex, first met Marcel almost 20 years ago, when as a teenager he was a councilman in his town

With Kris Mauren, Angela Gandra, former Under Secretary for Human Rights, and the leaders of the Brazilian  Institute for Religious Rights

Getting ready to watch the latest productions and trailers of Brasil Paralelo including their first movie based on CS Lewis's Screwtape Letters

Acton's dinner for donors, speakers and public figures

Visiting the headquarters of Brasil Paralelo

Clockwise: Alex with Marco Anotnio Costa, key influencer (628 K followers in Instagram, alias Superman); scouting for Acton type scholars at the Forum da Liberdade 2023; courtesy visit with Bishop Rifan, in Rio de Janeiro